Tuesday 24 June 2008

[Progress.130] Landscaping update - 4

We have 5 neighbours, 4 of them requires new fence or fence replacement. One of them is only a few meters long and we will probably pay for that. Out of the 3 left, only 1 is willing to share the cost. So we are going to have some "fun" on that in the future. This update is about the one that's been shared. When our landscaper Joe started his work in end of April, it was like this.

Joe got it cleaned up.

We have the timbers delivered in early May.

In half day's time Joe got all the steel posts completed while his team was working on the excavation for the retaining walls.

When I returned from work late in the afternoon, it's all completed.

Will post some info about the blocks in the next post...
To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Been following your blog for quite a while...

Got a few questions to ask you, how much did you pay for your demolition and rebuilding?

Allan said...

Thanks for reading. Demolition about $10K. Rebuilding is a long story. Basic house is about $230K, then you start adding: site cost, changes made to the plan, various fees (council, water, gas, electricity),...etc.
Then after construction finished, you add curtain, your own tiling, timber flooring, lights, landscaping, other appliances, ...etc. In the end it's a lot higher than the basic house price...
It took us about 2 years, but as it's a long term investment and you get to choose what you want, it's worth the effort and I would do that again in the future if possible.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

what is reason to choosing timber fence again? will it be easily attached by termites?

BuildingOurFirstHouse said...

it's treated pine, we were told it doesn't taste good to the termits?

the actually reason is, wife think the colourbond ones look cheap and ugly......