This house has 2.5 bathrooms. Both bathrooms upstairs have a shower area, but none of them comes with hob under the shower screens. That is, the shower screen was installed directly on top of the flooring tiles. There wasn't any tiled barrier (hob) normally constructed from masonry to divide the shower area.
Since we moved in about 3 years ago, there were some cracks on the wall next to the Main bathroom shower, recently the tile starts to crack as well.
Spoke to some plumbers and tilers, they all said the same thing - shower screens installed directly on top of flooring tiles won't last long and will definitely leak after a few years.
This is one of the reasons we choose our builder, they have tiled hob included in all bathroom shower areas as standard. If you are building a house or renovating, strongly recommend installing a hob for your showers.
Found a few links related to this:
Link #1
Link #2
Photo of Tiled Hob in builder's display home Ground Floor Bathroom

Photo of Tiled Hob in our builder's display home 1st Floor Bathroom

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