But when I returned last night... WOW! That was quick! Part of the 1st floor frames already done! Looks more like a 2 storey house now!

This one from garage side...

This was taken early this morning, there were signs of some huge trucks been here yesterday. Just look at how the 2 sausages been squashed, flatten to the floor... It seems to have also damaged the sewage pipe as well... Was the crane here, or was it just the truck which delivered the roof truss/frames?

Had a closer look of the sewage pipe... Doesn't look good... Now we have one more thing to worry...

This morning they started removing the scaffoldings. Why? I thought the truss/frames for the roof weren't installed yet?
You can now clearly see from photo below how the huge roof truss/frame been temporarily placed on top of the 1st floor frames. Probably this is the part waiting for the crane??

We had a huge hail storm around 3pm which only lasted around 5-10 minutes. Both the wind and rain were extremely strong and almost damaged my umbrella. I start worrying if it would cause any damage to the truss/frames... Quickly went on site again around 4pm, as shown below, seems like they are a lot stronger than they look, no damage at all! Good job!
Urh, hang on, where did the big bin came from? It wasn't there this morning... Is that for cleaning up the site? Have to wait and see... Lucky it's inside the fence, otherwise my neighbours might take the opportunity and start dumping rubbish in it...

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