Let me give you an example from our builder, the first photo shown here is the standard kitchen on display. We took this photo on April 2006.

Then another one from different angle on September 2006.

Later, on February 2007, we noticed a sign been posted on the cupboard. Have a look and see if you understand what it means.

We thought: ok, so they are increasing the fridge space for bigger fridges. That's good!
It wasn't until we visited a few houses built by our builder in March 2007 then we noticed something wrong. Have a look at this one:

And this one:

Did you see anything wrong? Give you a clue: compare the cupboards above the fridge space with the first 2 photos.
When they say "increased in height", that doesn't mean they will move the whole cupboard higher. What it actually means is, the top level will remain the same, but the bottom part will be chopped off (and you are not getting any credit for that!).
We went back in April 2007 and took this photo with the measurement tape. You can clearly see that the original fridge space is about 1710 mm. When it's increased to 1820 mm, you lose about 110 mm of cupboard space. And the whole thing will look out of proportion as the 3rd & 4th photos shown above.

Luckily we went back and check earlier this year, otherwise we could have miss it. We argued about this but there's not much we can do. In the end we still have to pay some extra money to increase the height of all the top cupboards to make it looks better. Nothing is free in this world...
Remember 2 things: 1. if you see any notice signs in the diplay home, make sure you understand what it means. If you are not sure, ask the sales for further information.
2. always go back to the display home and check before you sign the contract, they might have added some notice since your last visit.
Hope you find this tip helpful!
Can I ask what is the distance between bottom of the cupboard and your benchtop? I read below
http://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19416&start=0, it seems the normal distance should be 600mm for gas cooktop
many thanks as always
This can be a bit complicate as it depends on a few things and don't think there's a single measurement that fits all kitchen/family:
1. height/habit of the person who used it most
2. height of benchtop - measured from the top of the tiled surface (not the concrete floor!)
3. thickness of benchtop (ours is double sized granite)
4. type/size of rangehood - be careful when calculating the height of cupborad+height of rangehood. The distance between the bottom of rangehood and the cooktop should be higher than the person and within rangehood vendor's recommended range
5. type of cooktop, as some of the gas ones are quite tall
Can't remember all the exact figures/details now, what we did was: sketched down quite a lot of options with detail measurements, then ask wife to try on all of them, also took some photos, then sort or workout the best options. Then double check with builder, rangehood supplier (we used our own) and kitchen tiler (we used our own) and ask for opinions, before making final decision.
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